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Observer Band Policy

A convention observer band is required for each observer age 7 and older

who would like to watch our Launch Program, Mini, Junior, Teen and

Senior classes. Observers are not permitted in the Teacher classroom at

any time. Our online system will automatically gift 1 free observer band for

each registered Launch Program dancer. Launch Program bands will only

gain access to our Launch Program room. If any additional Launch

Program bands are requested, they will cost $50 per observer and must be

secured during the online registration process.  

Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior observer bands secured during the online

registration process are $50 each and MUST be worn in order for

observers to be permitted into convention classes at any time.

Non‐registered siblings age 6 and under are free ONLY if they are

accompanied and chaperoned by a paid observer and/or registered teacher

at all times. 


If any parent observer or non-registered teacher has a dancer in the

Launch Program classroom and another dancer in the Mini, Junior, Teen or

Senior classroom, he/she will need to wear BOTH the gifted Launch

Program Band along with a paid observer band.

Registrants MUST pre-secure/pre-purchase observer bands during

their initial online registration process. Observer bands will NOT be

sold at the event. Observer bands will NOT be added to registrations

after they are submitted and/or past the registration deadline of the

event, whichever comes first. No refunds or credits will be issued for

pre-secured observer bands, STRICT.

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