DIAMOND 284 – 300
PLATINUM 272 - 278.9
GOLD 260- 271.9
SILVER 248 - 259.9
DIAMOND 290 - 300
PLATINUM 279 - 284.9
GOLD 268 - 278.9
SILVER 255 - 267.9
There will be a panel of highly qualified and diverse Dupree Dance judges per each routine. 2-3 audio/video critiques per routine will be provided during competition. Same Day Productions will email the audio/video critiques to the studio owner/director/choreographer or independent registrant on the last day of the event or the Monday following the regional event.
Although entries are competing against an adjudicated point system for individual awards, all contestants in the Launch, Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior age divisions will compete against each other in their age and level division for the Overall High Score awards.
Three judges adjudicate each routine in one of five areas. Each judge considers the following criteria:
1. Technique (max of 25 points)
2. Presentation/Artistry (max of 20 points)
3. Routine (max of 20 points)
4. Age Appropriate (max of 15 points)
5. Overall Impression (max of 20 points)
In the event of a tie, three areas are compared to break the tie. Technique is first, then Presentation/Artistry and finally the Overall Impression. If two or more routines are still tied once these three areas are compared, a tie will be awarded.
The information below primarily encompasses the awards/rules at our regional competitions. Please visit our National Finals event page to obtain a complete list of the additional awards and rules unique to our National Finals competition.
All acts will receive one trophy per act and individual award tags (for each dancer in the routine) that they will be able to add to a gifted Dupree Dance necklace that will be provided during the convention registration check-in process at our event.
Individual Awards:
Each routine will receive a Diamond, Double Platinum, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award based on the total number of points received from the judges.
Overall Awards:
Overall Awards will be presented at each competition for both the Performance and Competitive Levels in the Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Age Divisions. The amount of Overall Awards given in each level and age division is contingent on the amount of entries in that particular level and age division and is as follows.
0-15 routines = top 5 overall scores awarded
16-30 routines = top 10 overall scores awarded
31-55 routines = top 15 overall scores awarded
56 or more routines = top 20 overall scores awarded
At both the Performance and Competitive levels, we will award our overall soloists in each age division. At both the Performance and Competitive levels, we combine the duos & trios in each age division for overall awards. At both the Performance and Competitive levels, we typically separate our overall awards given to the Group, Line, Production and Super Production division. In the event that we receive a lower amount of Group and Line entries, we may combine these two categories in each age and level division for overall awards.
Competition Vouchers (Regional Competitions)
Each 1st place overall award in both the Performance and Competitive divisions will receive a competition voucher (to be used within 18 months) providing there is a total of 5 or more entries within their overall age division. A $50.00 competition voucher will be awarded to the highest scoring solo entry as well as the highest scoring duo/trio entry in each age and level division. A $150.00 competition voucher will be awarded to the highest scoring group/line, production and super production entry in each age and level division.
Competition vouchers must be used within 18 months of the date awarded and lie within the studio profile or independent profile who registered the routine. The value of the voucher may be split between Dupree Dance events if desired, but the total value must be used within 18 months from the date awarded. During the online registration process, you will have the option to use only a portion of your competition voucher amount if desired and our system will hold the remainder voucher amount until the appropriate expiration date.
During National Finals, a combination of cash awards and cash vouchers are given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Overall Winners in each age, level and division. Please refer to our National Finals page for complete National Finals rules/regulations/award information.
Special Awards
A large amount of Special Awards is given at each competition to various routines by our judges. Our judges personally nominate and distribute the Special Awards prior to the announcement of Individual Awards. Special Awards may be given for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to) costuming, staging, choreography, artistry, showmanship and audience appeal. Additional special awards may also be given out at the conclusion of our event. These additional awards are typically connected to our partnering agencies/organizations.
‘At event’ Changes Rule
During the competition live event, if any dancer is injured or unable to perform, the routine must still remain in the exact same age division, routine division, competition level and category. In other words, a competitive small group routine of 4 dancers that becomes a trio at our live event for unforeseen reasons will still be judged in the competitive small group category (despite whether or not the missing dancer could have changed the competition level of that routine). That routine will still be eligible for individual and overall awards in the category in which it was originally registered for. ‘At event' changes due to injury/illness/unforeseen reasons are not permitted once the first day of our event has begun, regardless of the day that a routine is scheduled to perform. Dancers will not be removed from our registration system at any time for any reason during a live event, despite whether or not they perform.
Late Changes Rule
Regional competition changes will NOT be permitted within 2 weeks prior to the event you are registered for. Changes in the dancer level that you assigned per each registered student are NOT permitted within 2 weeks prior to our event. We do not allow any 'at event' competition changes at any time. We do not allow changes to be made once we issue the tentative competition line up for the event you are registered for. We take great pride in preparing for our events early and will not make exceptions in regards to our 'late changes' rules. Spend time reviewing your competition summary during your registration process to ensure that everything is correct. Your window of time to correct any mistakes that you may have made is within 1 week after our registration deadline.
Dancer Variance Rule
During both our Regional and National Finals competition, our Dancer Variance rule is as follows:
Studio numbers may not receive more than one Overall Award in the same age, competition level and dance category unless they have a 1-dancer change. Example: A small group routine with the exact same dancers cannot compete 2 jazz routines and win an overall for each (Only 1 of their jazz routines would be eligible for an Overall Award). However, the exact same set of dancers can compete a small lyrical group routine and a small jazz group routine and both routines WILL be eligible for an overall award.
Teacher Rule
Registered teachers are welcome to compete and are eligible for Individual awards only. Any routine containing a registered teacher will not be eligible for an Overall Award.
Assistant Teacher Rule
Assistant Teachers are welcome to compete. Assistant Teachers age 19 and younger are eligible for both Individual and Overall Awards. Assistant Teachers age 20 and older are eligible for Individual awards only. Any routine containing a registered Assistant Teacher who is 20 years of age or older will not be eligible for an Overall Award.
Adult Routine Rule
Any routine with an average age of 20 or higher is considered an adult routine and is eligible for Individual awards only.
Incomplete Routine Rule
A 5 point deduction will be in effect for a routine that is not completed by a dancer or group of dancers due to memory mistake(s). "Not completed" is defined as exiting the stage before the routine is finished. The routine will be scored from the time it started up until the point the dancer(s) exit the stage. The tabulator will note the 5 point deduction (5 points total, not per judge) on the score sheet(s) per our Incomplete Routine rule. IF TIME PERMITS, that routine may be given the opportunity to re-perform but will not be re-scored. If a dancer or group of dancers forget one portion of their routine but remain on stage and complete the routine, our incomplete routine rule is not in effect. In this case, the judges will take the portion of the routine that was forgotten into consideration and that will be reflected in their individual scores.